One of the early signs that we’re seeing the last of winter is the sort of stunning sunrises we seem to get at this special time of year. According to the weather boffins at the BBC there’s apparently some science behind it too.
The sun is lower in the sky for much longer than in the summer months, so the colours have much more time to build. The cold skies often less humid too and the clearer air makes the hues appear more vivid.
Whatever the rational reason, it makes the early morning shifts for the distilling team even more of a pleasure as the windows of their Spirit Hall look out to the east.
As the day dawned today Rebecca Passmore captured this pic, with a slow glow of oranges, pinks and purples reflecting off the waters of East Loch Tarbert and the rainwater gathered on our whisky barrel tops.
Wishing you all a great week ahead and for more photos and tales from Tarbert, read on…
Le gach deagh dhùrachd,
Mike Donald, Chief Storyteller
With winter still at our door there are few things more appealing than the prospect of a fireside dram, particularly if you’ve just escaped inclement island weather. The Hearach single malt was made for drinking, and the elegant, complex flavours captured in every glass promise a perfect pour at this time of year.
Gentle aromas of peat smoke give way to notes of toasted malt in your glass as flavours of apple, wildflowers, spice, clotted cream and candied sweets unwind. It’s a true Outer Hebridean whisky and full of local character. Simply order your bottle online or from your nearest stockist, and open to discover more…